Our principles
Drylandcarbon is committed to supporting strong, productive, prosperous rural communities.
As part of this commitment, we follow these foundation principles that govern how we act and the land use and management choices we make.
Drylandcarbon will:
- Help New Zealand to meet its climate change commitments, through safe, sustainable and professional afforestation development and management operations that respect local communities.
- Specifically target marginal, unproductive and often erosion-prone land for conversion to sustainable forestry for both tree harvest and carbon farming. Drylandcarbon is not interested in blanket planting of quality productive pastoral farmland in forestry.
- Work in partnership with landowners and assist them to benefit economically and environmentally from planting ETS eligible forests on parts of their land.
- Strive for best practice health and safety performance in all of its operations.
- Ensure due care, planning and attention is taken on land under its control with regards to earthworks, chemical use, minimising sediment and the risks posed by forest harvest debris.
- Strive to protect and improve our waterways and broader natural environment in all of our operations.
- Manage pests proactively and professionally so that this activity is conducted in a safe manner, to the broader benefit of native flora and fauna.
What we do
Drylandcarbon is a New Zealand based carbon farming afforestation partnership developed in 2019 in response to an escalating requirement for and opportunities in the emissions reduction, environmental improvement and forestry investment arenas.
It is a partnership of four iconic kiwi companies that have committed a significant amount of capital to the establishment of a large geographically diversified forest portfolio for the primary purpose of securing a long term cost-effective supply of carbon credits New Zealand Units (NZUs). These will generally be used to meet the carbon liabilities of the four companies under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Where physically and commercially practical, the portfolio will complement its carbon farming focus with rotation forestry for harvest.
Drylandcarbon also aims to create practical afforestation options for pastoral farmers on marginally economic or environmentally susceptible land. This can either be in the form of a lease of a farmers marginal land or a joint venture (JV) arrangement.