MATIAWA – Case Study
“Matiawa is a 1,300 hectare property which, for the most part, is steep, economically marginal land which is challenging to farm and on which rotation forestry is perfectly suited to deliver significant environmental benefits. It was marketed as a forestry block and it is perfectly suited for that.
Between 2020 and 2021, 646 hectares of hill country will be planted in Pinus radiata at a stocking rate of ~1,000 stems per hectare. The forest will be managed and tended as a rotation timber crop applying best-practice forest management and complying with FSC standards. This includes voluntary 10m ‘set backs’ from sensitive waterways, [etc].ENHANCING BIODIVERSITY
170 hectares is already native bush which will be protected and approximately 300 hectares comprises riparaian areas, reverting native scrub and bush which will be allowed to continue to revert back to native forest. Reduced grazing pressure and proactive pest control is expected to materially enhance the speed with which this native bush proliferates, providing a rich habitat for a wide range of indigenous flora and fauna. Dryland carbon is currently considering the merits of further investment in supplementary planting and management techniques to enhance the biodiversity and speed of regeneration of these areas.